Life Transitions

With Crystal River Counseling, LLC in Denver CO

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Life Transitions

Transitions represent change. They are life's way of asking us to reexamine our present way of existing and encourage us to develop and grow as individuals. Even when we know that these life transitions are for our own benefit, they can still be very difficult to deal with on an emotional level.

Examples of Life Transitions...

  • Marriage or other new relationships
  • Arrival of a new baby
  • Parenting an infant, child, or adolescent
  • Growing up and moving away from home
  • Adjustment to college or the workplace
  • Empty nesting
  • Divorce, separation or recovery from infidelity
  • Retirement, job loss or career changes
  • Financial gain or loss
  • Experiencing a serious illness or disability of self or a loved one
  • Issues of aging
  • Death of a loved one
  • Questioning faith and/or spirituality
  • Questioning sexual or gender identity
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