Frequently Asked Questions

Of Crystal River Counseling, LLC in Denver CO

Reach Out

What Can I Expect From Therapy?

Therapy is an opportunity to discuss/talk about issues that are important to the client, while having a trained objective person (Therapist) help work through not only the current situation but in dealing with similar situations in the future. Therapy can be about one specific problem, or it can be about multiple. Something to mention, is that therapy is a collaborative event, it requires an active role from both the client at the therapist for change to occur.

What Happens During the First Session?

The initial session will be an initial assessment to discuss the client’s history and needs for treatment. During this first session the client will have the opportunity to see how therapy will work, review office policies, privacy and confidentiality, as well as determine whether or not they are comfortable with the therapist.
Side note: It’s vital to have a positive working relationship with your therapist, so it’s recommended that the client and therapist will meet 2-3 times before deciding whether or not the relationship will continue. The therapist will provide client with referrals of specialists or trusted colleagues if they feel someone else might better be able to work with the client.

How Long Do Appointments Last?

Our first initial appointment is our “intake assessment” which is 60 minutes. After this, appointments are 53 minutes. This is the standard length of a counseling session. 

How often will we meet?

To begin, we will meet once a week. I find it’s important to gain some momentum in the beginning by meeting weekly or progress can stall out. Once some or all of your goals are met, meeting less often will make sense.

What is Your Cancellation Policy?

I require 24 hours notice of cancellation or you will need to pay for the appointment. An occasional exception may be made in the case of an emergency. It’s important that we meet consistently in order to make progress. 

Do you prescribe medication?

No, I am not a medical doctor. Many of our patients find medication can be helpful, but many of them also progress well in therapy without medication. If you want to be evaluated for psychiatric medication, either contact your primary care physician or a psychiatrist. If you are already taking medication, we can coordinate care with your doctor. 

Fees and Policies

15 mins | FREE
60 mins | $150
** Please note, the assessment is required for all new clients.
50 mins | $125
Payment is due at the end of the session.
All major credit/debit cards are accepted.
A credit card is required to be kept on file.
We require a 24 hour notice for cancellation of an appointment.
You will be charged a $50 fee for late cancellations and missed appointments - this includes initial sessions.